Sunday, February 22, 2009

i added new pictures!!! and, i tried around 87 times uploading a video... but, i just couldn't get it to work, so i put it on facebook... it's so cute!! :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

wow.... what a week!!! i'm honestly having a hard time remembering what all happened! the granddaddy of all teams arrived on friday and we spent most of the week preparing for their arrival. the team is here for three weeks and they are doing dental check ups on all 400+ kids and they are also finishing the construction on the male volunteer house. i've been a little frustrated this week, because with all of the preparation, i hardly had any time with the kids. they start school on the 16th, so i want to spend as much time with them as possible. there is also a girl with chicken pox that is quarantined in the clinic and has to have constant supervision, so i've spent a lot of time there. So, I was worn out this week because i didn't have much time to myself and frustrated because I wasn't getting to do what i wanted... hmmm... isn't that how life is so often? always something to complain about... the Lord has given me this amazing opportunity, and i'm surrounded by great kids in a beautiful place, but I want it to be just the way i want. the Lord is constantly teaching me to be satisfied in Him right where i am... not only when i'm doing what i want.  bloom where i'm planted (as the wise c. nock says). He has also helped me see His goodness in this week... little roxanna, who has the chicken pox,  and i have bonded over the hours spent on puzzles and through my very broken spanish, i've been able to learn her story. she's such a sweet kid with a gentle spirit, i don't think a nicer kid could have gotten the chicken pox... she asks to sweep and mop the clinic each day... who does that??!! and, i'm so grateful for one of the staff families here... they are so warm, encouraging, and real... all the time. they help me to see the blessing in everything and keep things in perspective.  and, some really fun things happened this week too...  i cut a few girls' hair!! :) it was quite hilarious for me... they all want their hair cut, and they don't care if you know how to our not... so, i cut their hair! words can't do it justice, so i'll have to post a picture or 2... i think i have a new career path ahead of me... you can email me me if you'd like to make an appointment. :) also, 2 other volunteers and i rode to tegus(about 1 1/2 drive from the orphanage) on wednesday in the back of a pick up truck! it was quite an experience!! we had a great time in the capital city of honduras... we did a walking tour of the city... went into the cathedral and the art museum, ate lunch at an authentic honduran restaurant, and drank some amazing coffee and enjoyed some delicious pastries!! and, today i got to spend all day with the kids!! it was so great! after church, i played with the girls and then when they went to lunch, i went an played with the boys! so, although the week was tiring and a bit frustrating at times, i am so glad to be here, and i'm thankful for the great and not so great moments because it is all a part of Him working in me. 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

i posted a slide show! enjoy!!!!! i'm cutting hair tomorrow, so i'll be sure to document that too! :)
hope everyone is doing well! love yall!