Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hola!! I hope everyone is doing well! I miss you!! And, thank you for your prayers! Well, my mom is coming on Friday, and I'm really excited for her to see what life has looked like for me for the past 2 and 1/2 months!! I have so many people for her to meet and things to show her... I can't wait! Also... I have some news... so, I'm not coming home on April 4th... I'm not quite ready to let this place go yet, and I found out about an amazing and ridiculously affordable language school in Guatemala. So, my mom will be here until Sunday, and then we're heading with Kaley to Antigua, Guatemala for Holy Week! My mom leaves Saturday before Easter, and Kaley and I will travel to a small town on a lake that is surrounded by volcanos called San Pedro for two weeks of language school. Then I'll be back here at Emmanuel for a little while. My visa expires on May 16th, so I either have to come home then or travel to Belize or Costa Rica to renew it... please pray for me that the Lord will give me direction on what to do. Don't worry... I want to come home... I'm just not sure exactly when... life here is so much simpler, and it's so easy to see the Lord at work here, that it's hard for to leave when I'm not sure what I'm going to being doing when I get home.... speaking of... does anyone have a job for me?? or a place to live?? just kidding... kinda. :) 


358Girls said...

katie!! sara groves will be here at ccc in like 2 weeks and i thought katie will be back then to go to it! but then i just read your blog. i am excited for you and i know the Lord's time table is a lot different than ours.. i loved reading about bayron and i can't wait to hear more stories from you. i love you and miss you! we do have a job opening at ccc if you want to work with jr. high kids.. love-ashley

Alicia Lewis said...

I have been wondering what's up! I had it in my calendar (that you gave me for my birthday) that you were coming home to AL this weekend. I miss you and think of you so much. Your magnets are in my car, on my fridge, and on my computer in my office. Did I say I miss you?? It's so exciting to hear about what God is doing in and through you. You are a regular missionary, Katie. I love you and am so proud of you... Oh yeah, and I miss you.